Dr Raymond C. H. KOO (PhD 2017, CIVL) received the 2018 HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award from the HKIE (Geotechnical Division)

Dr Raymond C. H. KOO (PhD 2017, CIVL) received the 2018 HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Geotechnical Division) for his paper ‘Landslide mobility analysis for design of multiple debris-resisting barriers’ published in Canadian Geotechnical Journal and co-authored with Professor Charles W.W. Ng from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.  The paper documents development of a methodology for rational design of multiple barriers for intercepting mobile landslide debris. The proposed methodology promises to fill another gap in Hong Kong’s continual search for more reliable and effective design of debris flow barriers.

The presentation of the 2018 HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Geotechnical Division)
The presentation of the 2018 HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Geotechnical Division)

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