CSCE Visit in Tsinghua University and Tianjin University

Seven students from the HKUST CIVL Department who had joined the Student Chapter of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Hong Kong branch, together with Prof. Moe M. S. Cheung (HKUST), were invited to join an exchange program entitled “Student- Civil- Global” held from 3rd of March to 7th of March, 2011 in the Tsinghua University and Tianjin University. This program aimed to promote cultural and academic exchange amongst the civil engineering students within the three universities. The HKUST students took this opportunity to introduce the civil and environmental engineering programs to the Tsinghua and Tianjin University students. 

In Tsinghua University, Prof. Moe M. S Cheung (HKUST) gave a seminar titled “Design, Construction and Management of the Largest PPP Project in Canada - the Confederation Bridge”. Prof. Pan Peng (Tsinghua) presented his newest research about earthquake resistant structural system to our students. 

In Tianjin University, Prof. Qinghua Han, Prof. Qinghe Zhang and Prof. Donghai Liu gave the HKUST students an introduction about university programs and their research fields. In addition, the HKUST students visited the construction lab in Tsinghua University, hydraulic and hydropower simulation lab in Tianjin University. 

For the cultural exchange, the HKUST students visited Great Wall and Olympic Park in Beijing and tasted Gaobuli Baozi in Tianjin. Also in return, a group of students (around 10) with one professor from Tsinghua University will visit HKUST during the end of June this year.

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